Author: Ricky Jordan

  • Is it a Toolbox Part?

    Is it a Toolbox Part?

    If you use PDMWorks Workgroup and SolidWorks Toolbox, you may have run into this issue. If you setup your PDMWorks Vault to NOT check in Toolbox parts, SolidWorks can recognize Toolbox parts in one of two ways. You can identify a directory which will direct PDMWorks to classify all files within that directory as Toolbox…

  • SharePoint

    The company I work for has recently implemented Microsoft SharePoint 2007 for our internal intranet.  I am pretty new to the software but have found it very interesting to say the least.  I’ll report more here as I learn more about the software and its collaboration capabilities.  One of the things I am most excited…

  • Bloggers and Press

    If you have been frequenting some of the SolidWorks Blogs here lately, you can’t help but find a link back to Roopinder Tara’s CAD Insider Blog where he has been discussing the differences between the Bloggers and the members of the CAD Press.  If for some reason you’ve been living under a rock like Patrick…


    No, I have not fallen off the face of the earth…but it sure feels like it.  Things have been beyond hectic for me the last few weeks. I am working on a pretty intense project right now that I cannot talk about.  Let’s just say it involves something for the good of our country.  🙂…

  • SolidWorks Tip: Holes in a Formed Cylinder

    SolidWorks Tip:  Holes in a Formed Cylinder

    Here’s a SolidWorks Tip geared a little more towards the less experienced SolidWorks users out there.  I based this tip on a question I received from a student in the UK.  The question asked was if it was possible to extrude-cut a pattern of holes on a flat sheet then roll the sheet into a…

  • SolidWorks Forum: New Look & Features

    SolidWorks Forum:  New Look & Features

    The SolidWorks Discussion Forum has a new look and feel to it.  The interface to me looks much cleaner now.  The biggest change to me is the addition of RSS feeds to the forum.  You can now get feeds from the forum (by Category) piped directly to your favorite news reader (Examples include Netvibes, iGoogle,…

  • SolidWorks World 2008: Wednesday General Session – Quick Review

    Wednesday’s general session is considered by many to be the most highly anticipated session of the conference.  This mostly stems from the fact that this is the day we all get a preview of the next version of SolidWorks.  This first post will hit the quick highlights.  Later I will post a Detailed Review which…

  • SolidWorks World 2008: Tuesday

    Day 2 of SolidWorks World 2008 is coming to a close.  The general session featured presentations by Dr. Don Norman and Dr. Bob Ballard.  As an admitted Discovery channel geek, I particularly enjoyed Dr. Ballard’s presentation.  Dr. Ballard spoke of how advancements in technology have changed deep sea exploration.  Gone are the days where all…

  • SolidWorks World 2008: Monday PM

    SolidWorks World 2008:  Monday PM

    SolidWorks World 2008 is in full swing as the break out sessions began directly after the morning general session.  First up for me was an interview with Rick Chin of SolidWorks Corporation.  I’ll have more on that interview later on.  Next up was an hour long session working in the SWUGN booth in the Partner…

  • SolidWorks World 2008: Monday General Session

    SolidWorks World 2008:  Monday General Session

    The surprise guest of SolidWorks World 2008 was revealed this morning and it was none other than Danny Forster of Discovery Channel’s Build it Bigger TV show.  Danny discussed the aspects of Engineering & Design in the architecture industry.  He also outlined many different design features of the new Arizona Cardinals football stadium which features…

  • SolidWorks World 2008: Sunday

    Press Day at SolidWorks World has now come and gone.  This morning Jeff Ray kicked off the series of events by welcoming the press.  Marie Planchard was up next to give updates on the SolidWorks Education Effort.  I ended up missing parts of the first sessions as I was attending a Focus Group on Advanced…

  • SolidWorks World 2008: Saturday

    Well, the first day for me at SolidWorks World has come and gone.  I guess I can’t really call this Day 1 since that is really supposed to be Monday.  More and more folks are starting to arrive.  It’s great to see some familiar faces from last year in New Orleans as well as some…

  • SolidWorks World 2008: Finally in San Diego!

    After almost 8 hours of airline joy, I am finally in San Diego, CA!  The weather here (in the 50’s) is definitely an improvement from home (Huntsville, AL) as snow showers were expected tonight and tomorrow.  Yes, it DOES snow in Alabama!  Here is proof! (Taken just two days ago.) Here lately it seems like…

  • SolidWorks Tip: Connectors Anyone??

    SolidWorks Tip:  Connectors Anyone??

    Here is a quick little video tip on connectors which can be found in Boundary Surfaces, Sweeps, and Lofts.  Most users that utilize these features often are aware of the connector options available which can help you shape the surface (in particular the UV flow). This tip shows how to utilize a single surface edge…